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Relative pronouns quiz

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Relative pronouns quiz

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Relative pronouns quizVersión en línea

Relative pronouns quiz

por Marcos Herranz Ayuso

don't whose who children a school to go on holiday which where that when

A holiday is a festivity . Children don't go to school on a holiday .
A holiday is a festivity .


whose which to who where when write used it is

A pen is an object . It is used to write .
A pen is an object .


where coat which he wearing whose a man the long who was when

The police saw a suspicious man . The man was wearing a long coat .
The police saw a suspicious man .


who where took place when robbery there bank whose which the the that

That is the bank . The robbery took place there .
That is the bank .


that is whose who which red has her hair

Can you see that woman ? Her hair is red .
Can you see that woman ?


somewhere my which I put when place the phone where

I put my phone somewhere . I can't remember the place .

I can't remember .


this Spotify single a who most song last that on popular which month's has her whose become

She is a singer . Her last single has become this month's most popular song on Spotify .
She is the singer .


whose when who it which fur has black

A black panther is a leopard or a jaguar . It has black fur .
A black panther is a leopard or jaguar .


a hosts whose programme he called who Kitchen Nightmares TV which

Gordon Ramsey is a cook . He hosts a TV programme called " Kitchen Nightmares " .
Gordon Ramsey is a cook .

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