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The frenzy of Black Friday 2

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The frenzy of Black Friday 2Versión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase.

por Andrea Pinilla Bona

splurge back cut checkout demand dirt discount out till commerce drop deal doorbuster on on e bargain commercial sale cheap snag shop splash

1 . I can't believe I got such a great on these shoes ; they were almost 50% off !
2 . This store is known for its deals on Black Friday , where prices are incredibly low for the first few customers .
3 . I have to my spending this month to save money for the holidays .
4 . Online - platforms have changed the way we participate in sales like Black Friday .
5 . The TV made the smartphone look amazing , but it was actually a rip - off considering its quality and features .
6 . She decided to and bought a designer dress she had been eyeing for months .
7 . Due to high , this popular gaming console is sold out almost everywhere .
8 . The at the local electronics store is offering a 40% on all laptops this weekend .
9 . I was so tired after we decided to we at the mall last Saturday .
10 . That handbag was ; I've never seen such a low price on a luxury brand before .
11 . After adding all the items to her cart , she clicked on button to complete her online purchase .
12 . Early in the morning , many shoppers were eager to a on high - end electronics , a rare opportunity at these prices .
13 . For her birthday , she decided to a luxury spa weekend , something she's never done before .

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