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Sentences with Dont and Doesnt

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Completar las oraciones utilizando el Don´t o el Doesn´t..
Complete the sentences using the Don´t or the Doesn´t.

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Sentences with Dont and DoesntVersión en línea

Completar las oraciones utilizando el Don´t o el Doesn´t.. Complete the sentences using the Don´t or the Doesn´t.

por Daniel

doesnt dont dont Do doesnt does Does dont

Negative Sentences and Interrogative sentences .
1 . My mum drink tea . She prefers coffee .
2 . My dad and my uncle watch basketball matches . They watch football .
3 . What Liz prefer : tea or coffe ?
4 . I like my Maths teacher . She us very strict .
5 . Julian go to the school by car . He takes the bus at the school station .
6 . We want to go to the museum . We find it very boring .
7 . you like to read book every day ?
8 . the boys like to play the computer games ?

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