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Juego de Completar Texto

Rellena los espacios en blanco y mejora tu comprensión lectora.


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Men and women are often considered to be completely at odds with each other , in terms their attitudes and behaviour . Not so when they are in love , new research has discovered . As fas as their hormone levels are , when men and women are in love , they are more similar to each other at any other time .
It has been known that love can havoc with hormone levels . For example the hormone cortisol , is known for its calming effect on the body , dips dramatically when one person is attracted to , putting the love - struck on a par with sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder .
But a new study has found that the hormone testosterone , commonly associated with male aggression , also falls when he is in love . In women , it's quite the . Testosterone levels , which to be lower among females , rise towards of the male .
Donatella Marazziti of the University of Pisa , Italy , this down to nature attempting to eliminate the differences between the sexes . doing so , they can concentrate fully on reproduction .
This suggestion seems to be supported by the fact that couples in a long relationship , nor participants in the study who were single at the time of the experiment , exhibited such changes .