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Past simple y "too much," "too many," "too," "enough," y "a lot of":

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Past simple y "too much," "too many," "too," "enough," y "a lot of":

por Monica Perez Rodríguez

too didn hot it easy enough was hope too many too many too too much enough like have a lot of many

My Busy Weekend

Every weekend , I usually a lot of things to do , but last weekend especially busy . I started my Saturday with a plan to clean the house . My brother was helping me , but there were things to organize , and we didn ? t have time to finish everything . We also realized that we had junk in our closets . I need to throw away a lot of stuff that I don ? t use anymore .

In the afternoon , I met with some friends at a café . We that place because ? s usually quiet , but last Saturday , there were people . It was hard to talk because it was noisy . We ordered coffee , but it was too to drink at the time , so we waited for it to cool down .

On Sunday , I decided to relax a bit . I watched TV shows and read a few chapters of my book . But I didn ? t get rest because I had things on my mind . I kept thinking about the work I needed to finish for school . I ? t sleep enough either , so now I feel tired .

This weekend , I to take it . I think I need a lot of rest to recover from the busy week !

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