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Adjectives | B1 - B2

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Adjectives | B1 - B2Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

phenomenal disheartened meticulous majestic secluded tenacious irrational bland controversial

1 . The tailor examined every stitch to ensure the suit was perfect .

2 . His explanation for being late sounded , but we decided to give him the benefit of the doubt .

3 . The castle on the hill looked , especially at sunset .

4 . The politician's remarks caused outrage among both supporters and critics .

5 . She felt after failing the exam despite studying so hard .

6 . The singer ? s voice left the audience in awe during the live performance .

7 . The hikers enjoyed the trail , far away from the bustling city .

8 . The soup tasted , so I added some spices to improve the flavor .

9 . His attitude helped him recover from a serious injury and return to his sport .

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