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Science concepts 2Versión en línea

Find how many definitions do you know

por Marcela Susana Solano Porras

light reduces object Reflection movingenergy rainbow Shadow Friction contact repulsion energy

1 . is the change of direction of light when it hits a surface .
2 . Water resistance .
3 . is a force that stops or slows down or stops motion
when two objects are in motion .
4 . We can see a when there is sunshine and rain
at the same time .
5 . occur when light is blocked from going through an object .
6 . When two things are touching each other , they ? re making .
7 . An effect of the friction is that the objects that are in motion are losing .
8 . Any object in motion has energy , this energy is known as .
9 . The shadow depends on the positions of the source
and the position of the .
10 . Charges that are the same repel one another , or push each other away , this is
called .

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