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EmotionsVersión en línea

Complete the sentences.

por Noelia Tartaglini

excited confused happy calm sad angry sick sleepy tired surprised

1 . I am to go to the wine tasting event with my friends today , it's our first time !
2 . She feels when she listens to lofi music in her room .
3 . He is because he lost his wallet on the bus .
4 . They are when their pet dog goes to the vet for a check - up .
5 . We are to celebrate our birthday with all of our family .
6 . I feel about how to solve this math problem right now .
7 . My brother is and he can't go to work today .
8 . She is to see her Italian friend visiting Argentina .
9 . My day was really long , I feel very .
10 . He is in the afternoon , so he takes a nap from 3 to 4 o'clock .

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