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IELTS writing

Topic: Travelling


despite are of the belief vast

Many people that rather than easing tensions , tourism actually further strains relations between countries . In my opinion , some newsworthy incidents , the majority of tourist interactions are positive .


resultant relative to irrational recent Such reactions bias turned against

The reason that many have tourism as a means of soft power is the memorable disputes that naturally arise . A good example of this would be the outbreak of Coronavirus in China and the worldwide panic . Chinese tourists have since reported on social media channels increased harassment and chilly treatment abroad . are because Coronovirus is a tame threat normal strains of influenza , various diseases and other fatalities over the period including vehicular deaths . This psychological applies to small - scale tourist interactions as well : people are more likely to remember recent , negative events even if their actual impact is marginal .


likely be average person overwhelming foster

The majority of interactions between tourist and local are friendly and conducive to increased understanding . The taking a trip , to most countries , will encounter friendly customs officials , chat amiably with their taxi driver on the way to their hotel , where the staff will very accommodating . The negative interactions are rare though they may stick out and make memorable stories . The more common scenario is that a tourist ? s curiosity will be matched by local enthusiasm to make a good impression of themselves and their country . These complimentary human drives from the tourist and local , re - enacted in millions of micro - interactions daily , may not make headlines but they empathy and understanding between otherwise diverse cultures .


cumulative impact keep this in perspective outweigh

In conclusion , the of friendly encounters engendered by tourism far exaggerated slights . People should when travelling and rise above prejudice and confirmation bias .