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Java vocabulary check

Fill in the gaps by typing

Nastia Sakharova

installation execute readable

JVM also known as Java Virtual Machine is a part of JRE . JVM is a type of interpreter responsible for converting bytecode into machine - ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) code . JVM itself is platform dependent but it interprets the bytecode which is the platform - independent .
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment , it is an ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? . ) package that provides an environment to run the Java program or application on any machine .
JDK stands for Java Development Kit which provides the environment to develop and ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) Java programs .


details modification Details base depend on responsibility extension

Single - ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) principle ( SRP ) : A class should have only one reason to change .
Open ? closed principle ( OCP ) : Entities should be open for ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) , but closed for ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) .
Liskov substitution principle ( LSP ) : Functions that use pointers or references to ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it .
Interface segregation principle ( ISP ) : No code should ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) methods it does not use .
Dependency inversion principle ( DIP ) :
A . High - level modules should not import anything from low - level modules . Both should depend on abstractions ( e . g . , interfaces ) .
B . Abstractions should not depend on ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ) . ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ) should depend on abstractions .


behavior implementation accessed behavior implementation hide

Abstraction is the process of separating ideas from specific instances . Java supports the creation and existence of abstract classes that expose interfaces , without including the actual ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) of all methods . The abstraction technique aims to separate the ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) details of a class from its ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) .
Encapsulation provides objects with the ability to ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) their internal characteristics and ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) . Each object provides a number of methods , which can be ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) by other objects and change its internal data .


ability Overloading Overriding

Polymorphism is the ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) of programming languages to present the same interface for differing underlying data types . A polymorphic type is a type whose operations can also be applied to values of some other type .
We can perform polymorphism by Method ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) and Method ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) .