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Reading | Collocations B1+Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

make pay play carefully takes sound dealbreakers ample meet jealous

Choosing a New Home : The Important Factors to Consider

Choosing a new home can be a complex process . There are so many factors to consider , and each one can feel like comparing apples and oranges ! Let ? s look at some important aspects that often a big role in making this decision .

First , consider safety . A home should make you feel safe and . This means looking into the neighborhood ? s security , especially if you have children or often come home late . Feeling secure is one factor that ? s usually non - negotiable .

Another key element is the location . Is it close to work or school ? Does it offer space for your needs ? If you ? re looking at different places , try to find common ground between options , such as having a good commute time or nearby amenities . A great location can a huge difference !

Next , keep in mind that everyone has a few ? factors they just can ? t compromise on . For some , it might be the size of the kitchen , while for others , it ? s having a garage . Before you start viewing homes , think about what your own dealbreakers are . This way , you can avoid wasting time on places that don ? t your basic needs .

Of course , budget is always a factor . Many people feel a bit of friends who seem to afford luxury homes . However , a bigger house doesn ? t always mean a better one ! Aim for something comfortable within your budget , and remember that unexpected costs are usually imminent with any move , so be prepared . It ? s wise to set aside a little extra money ? give or take a few hundred dollars ? to cover any surprises .

Lastly , attention to any murky details in the contract or lease . Some contracts include hidden fees or unclear terms , so it ? s important to read everything . A clear understanding of what you ? re signing will help you feel confident in your choice .

Finding a new home is an exciting journey , but it thought and planning . By knowing what you need and watching out for these factors , you can find a place that feels just right .

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