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marco rabadan

on go affront pack getter stepping flow the going bulldoze their toes with clique down shooting

How to get along with your coworkers

It's true that most jobs are difficult enough and come with their share of pressures , setbacks , and irritations . But it can be so much worse if we cannot get along with one or more of our coworkers . When we are put into a relatively small space and asked to work closely , sometimes side by side with someone we don't jibe with , it can become very tedious , very quickly .

One of the reasons this can be difficult is that we all have different personalities , likes and dislikes , and unique preferences . Some have a strong personality and tend to others by dismissing new ideas or being intimidating , often without even realizing it . Or sometimes , some coworkers seem to become close friends and create a within the office , making it impossible to break through to become a part of the team . Even if you really enjoy your job , if you are dealing with situations like this , it can severely impact your job satisfaction .

However , when we face difficulties , we often get tunnel vision ; that is , our focus and attention become centered only on what we are dealing with and ignores everything else . So , while we might think that our coworker's behavior is some kind of personal you did nothing to deserve , they may feel affronted as well . Andrew Selig , Sc . D . , a management and organizational psychologist who often mediates tense workplace relations says : " Most of the time , all the protagonists involved feel like victims . "

Many of the conflicts between employees that are experienced in the workplace happen when entering a new position or job , or having someone new become part of your department or team . No one likes change , especially when it affects the way things have been for a long time . But for someone new to a position , the tendency is to be a - , to hit the ground running . But this isn't always the best approach . " Coming into a new organization is like a step - parent coming into a family . Come in slow . Don't start parenting right away . We have to earn trust so people value what we have to say , " Selig says .

As with most conflicts in the workplace , misunderstandings , miscommunication , and misinformation are a major problem . If specific roles , for example , are not well defined , your coworker might feel like you are , even though you might feel like you are just doing your job .

On occasion , it is worthwhile to examine how your interaction with your coworkers compares with how they react with each other . This will help you identify if there are any changes you need to make in how you share ideas and resolve conflicts at work with them . According to Selig , it's worth the time to observe others and practice 'when in Rome' behavior , .

Another way to defeat tunnel vision is to ask a third party their honest opinion . Do this before you present the problem to the offending coworker , Human Resources or your boss ! It would be especially helpful if you asked someone who gets along with the . Hopefully , this will give you fresh insight on the situation . But if the problem remains , it is then advisable to approach your coworker about the issue .

? Resolving workplace problems : If you feel like you've tried everything to resolve the issue and have decided to speak with your coworker , HR , or your manager about the problem , there are a few things you should keep in mind .

First , don't be impulsive or react when you are upset or frustrated . Allow for some time to pass so you can think about the situation from several viewpoints . This will give you time to think about the best way to handle the situation , what you will say , and who you should be saying it to .

Second , avoid saying 'you' but instead , try and say 'I' . This helps to avoid making yourself the victim and your coworker the villain . Instead of saying , " Why are you all my ideas ? " You could say , " I think I may have gotten off on the wrong foot . Is there anything I should be doing differently ? "

Third , remember where you are . You aren't at home where you might be justified in taking personal offense and being defensive . You are at your place of work where you are required to be professional in handling conflicts . Do your best to remove emotion from the equation . Instead of saying , " No one is listening to me . " You could say , " This is what I think my job is , and these are the strategies I'm using to reach my goals . Is that what you and others expected of me ? "

Conflict is inevitable . It will happen from time to time . But how we handle those conflicts when they arise , will determine how much we allow it to affect our day to day life and could have either a positive or negative impact on our prospects .