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give away

give away

marco rabadan

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Want to succeed in business ? Tell everyone your failures !

Without wishing to too much detail , we are going to analyze some of the reasons why failure can be so difficult to admit and some examples of people and situations where failures have been turned to advantages . Discussing failure publicly is not an easy thing to do . At its best for many people , failure can be embarrassing and confidence . It evokes feelings of shame and guilt . At its worst , in some companies , failure can even mean the premature termination of a person's career ? but experts and executives .

Failure can be associated with a feeling that one's status has been in the eyes of others . Then , at its worst , it can result in feeling humiliated , one of the most intense emotions that someone can experience , even when compared with feelings of anger or happiness . Failure can also your self - perception and render you self - conscious about your abilities at work , regardless of the truth . Whatever the case , falling flat on your face is typically viewed negatively and kept private . But hold your horses ! Don't despair , all that perceived wisdom may be changing . Some individuals have turned the tables and want to .

Let's look at a couple of examples : After four months and seven interviews , Adriano Destro got the bad news that he'd failed to land his dream job at Facebook . But instead of , he fashioned a post on his LinkedIn page and described the rejection as the best failure of his life . ? Life is not only made of success stories , but most of the time of people failing and getting back on track with more hunger and motivation , ? he wrote . His comments struck a chord and his post has been viewed about 8 . 5 million times .

For others , it's all about turning the idea of failure on its head . So instead of a sense of guilt or shame at failure , a group of five friends from Mexico City decided to set up a group that holds regular events giving invitees the opportunity to discuss their failures in public . The stage is to three or four invited entrepreneurs who present their stories of failure in turn for seven minutes , then answer questions from the audience .

The series of events , which began as a hobby for the founders , has quickly taken off globally thanks , in large part , to social media . After two months , 15 cities were hosting the events . Now , the movement has spread to more than 200 cities in 75 countries . And it ? s in countries where people aren't used to talking about failure , like Japan , Germany , and Mexico , where they are enjoying the most success , says one of their founders who also comments that there is a need in society for a place where failure can be shared in a free and open way , without the fear of social and family rejection . Contrary to popular perception , the U . S . is not a place where failure is generally celebrated , and outside of the start - up of Silicon Valley in California , and Boulder , Colorado , failure is viewed quite conservatively .

In the corporate business world , middle managers often fear that reporting a problem means they'll take the blame . However , the problem with this system of denial is that you miss the chance to learn from the mistake . So instead , next time when something goes wrong , it might be better to sit down , admit the failure , analyze what went wrong , and figure out how to avoid it next time .

Let's check your understanding !