Want
to
succeed
in
business
?
Tell
everyone
your
failures
!
Without
wishing
to
too
much
detail
,
we
are
going
to
analyze
some
of
the
reasons
why
failure
can
be
so
difficult
to
admit
and
some
examples
of
people
and
situations
where
failures
have
been
turned
to
advantages
.
Discussing
failure
publicly
is
not
an
easy
thing
to
do
.
At
its
best
for
many
people
,
failure
can
be
embarrassing
and
confidence
.
It
evokes
feelings
of
shame
and
guilt
.
At
its
worst
,
in
some
companies
,
failure
can
even
mean
the
premature
termination
of
a
person's
career
?
but
experts
and
executives
.
Failure
can
be
associated
with
a
feeling
that
one's
status
has
been
in
the
eyes
of
others
.
Then
,
at
its
worst
,
it
can
result
in
feeling
humiliated
,
one
of
the
most
intense
emotions
that
someone
can
experience
,
even
when
compared
with
feelings
of
anger
or
happiness
.
Failure
can
also
your
self
-
perception
and
render
you
self
-
conscious
about
your
abilities
at
work
,
regardless
of
the
truth
.
Whatever
the
case
,
falling
flat
on
your
face
is
typically
viewed
negatively
and
kept
private
.
But
hold
your
horses
!
Don't
despair
,
all
that
perceived
wisdom
may
be
changing
.
Some
individuals
have
turned
the
tables
and
want
to
.
Let's
look
at
a
couple
of
examples
:
After
four
months
and
seven
interviews
,
Adriano
Destro
got
the
bad
news
that
he'd
failed
to
land
his
dream
job
at
Facebook
.
But
instead
of
,
he
fashioned
a
post
on
his
LinkedIn
page
and
described
the
rejection
as
the
best
failure
of
his
life
.
?
Life
is
not
only
made
of
success
stories
,
but
most
of
the
time
of
people
failing
and
getting
back
on
track
with
more
hunger
and
motivation
,
?
he
wrote
.
His
comments
struck
a
chord
and
his
post
has
been
viewed
about
.
million
times
.
For
others
,
it's
all
about
turning
the
idea
of
failure
on
its
head
.
So
instead
of
a
sense
of
guilt
or
shame
at
failure
,
a
group
of
five
friends
from
Mexico
City
decided
to
set
up
a
group
that
holds
regular
events
giving
invitees
the
opportunity
to
discuss
their
failures
in
public
.
The
stage
is
to
three
or
four
invited
entrepreneurs
who
present
their
stories
of
failure
in
turn
for
seven
minutes
,
then
answer
questions
from
the
audience
.
The
series
of
events
,
which
began
as
a
hobby
for
the
founders
,
has
quickly
taken
off
globally
thanks
,
in
large
part
,
to
social
media
.
After
two
months
,
cities
were
hosting
the
events
.
Now
,
the
movement
has
spread
to
more
than
cities
in
countries
.
And
it
?
s
in
countries
where
people
aren't
used
to
talking
about
failure
,
like
Japan
,
Germany
,
and
Mexico
,
where
they
are
enjoying
the
most
success
,
says
one
of
their
founders
who
also
comments
that
there
is
a
need
in
society
for
a
place
where
failure
can
be
shared
in
a
free
and
open
way
,
without
the
fear
of
social
and
family
rejection
.
Contrary
to
popular
perception
,
the
.
.
is
not
a
place
where
failure
is
generally
celebrated
,
and
outside
of
the
start
-
up
of
Silicon
Valley
in
California
,
and
Boulder
,
Colorado
,
failure
is
viewed
quite
conservatively
.
In
the
corporate
business
world
,
middle
managers
often
fear
that
reporting
a
problem
means
they'll
take
the
blame
.
However
,
the
problem
with
this
system
of
denial
is
that
you
miss
the
chance
to
learn
from
the
mistake
.
So
instead
,
next
time
when
something
goes
wrong
,
it
might
be
better
to
sit
down
,
admit
the
failure
,
analyze
what
went
wrong
,
and
figure
out
how
to
avoid
it
next
time
.
Let's
check
your
understanding
!