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Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay

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Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by ColdplayVersión en línea

Fill in the blanks with song lyrics.

por Julianne

knees records song pulses Monday heaven I'd lights Every music time hurt on night streets world waterfall light up flag tell walls bad heart From black dance trees Don't tear

I turn the up
I got my on
I shut the outside until the come on
Maybe the alight
Maybe the are gone
I feel my heart start beating to my favorite

And all the kids , they
All the kids , all
Until morning feels another life
I turn the music up , I'm on a roll this
And is in sight

I turn the music
I got my records
underneath the rubble , sing a rebel song
want to see another generation drop
rather be a comma than a full stop

Maybe I'm in the
Maybe I'm on my
Maybe I'm in the gap between the two trapezes
But my heart is beating and my start
Cathedrals in my

As we saw , oh , this
I swear you emerge blinking in to
To me it's alright
As we soar
siren is a symphony

And every tear's a
Is a waterfall , oh
Is a waterfall , oh
Is a , is a waterfall
Is a waterfall , oh

So you can
Hurt me
But still I'll raise

Oh , it was a wa - wa - wa - wa - waterfall
A wa - wa - wa - wa - waterfall

Oh ( every tear , every tear )
Oh ( every teardrop is a waterfall )
Oh ( every tear , every tear )
Oh ( every teardrop is a waterfall )

Every tear , every tear
Every teardrop is a waterfall
Every tear , every tear
Every teardrop is a waterfal l

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