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marco rabadan

reputation reflective grab distrust veiled clangers slagging pretentious trigger off

How to avoid email clangers

It's a fact that despite the rise of instant messages , social media , and all kinds of applications ? in business ? email is still the first choice of communication . It is therefore very , very important for the sake of the image of the business and for your own to get it right . We've all seen email and annoying material flying around the office . Here's a brief guide on what to do and what not to do to avoid being the next figure of fun .

First of all , decide whether email is the best way to communicate the issue . Pause a second and think . Are you writing something controversial that might a strong emotional response ? Would it be better to deliver the message face to face or to call them up on the telephone ?

You've decided to write . Good . Then the next step is to fill out the subject line . Use it to the attention , tell the person why you are writing , and more importantly , why they really need to read it . Again , before starting on the content , decide who needs to read the email . Don't just copy everyone in , and don't include the boss unless he or she is actually involved . It may not look good , and it's going to make everyone else in the office you if you are not careful . Oh ! And while we're on this topic , avoid sending around an email when all normal folks are down the pub or in bed ? you will just look like a jerk .

Right , you've written the email and carefully avoided inserting a paragraph referring to recent career highlights , or some other thinly attempt of self - promotion . Now , how do you sign off ? There are some people that like to use a single letter ? say C or M in much the same way as the Queen of England . Quite , I would say . The best way to get a response according to a survey is to use the expression : 'Thanks in advance' .

There is a theory that goes along the lines of emails being of the relationship between sender and recipient . The shorter the email , the more powerful the message .

Now , the email is ready to go . One last check on the grammar and spelling . Yes , they do matter ? regardless of what others may tell you . And finally , check you are sending the email to the intended person , once again . For many , a promising career has ended when the boss received an email intended for the sender's best friend containing a paragraph the boss in great detail . This exceeds by a long way the overuse of the 'draft email' without the blank spaces filled in .

Let's check your understanding !