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Fill in the Blanks: Mastering regular and irregular verbs

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Test your knowledge of simple conjunctions by filling in the blanks!

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Fill in the Blanks: Mastering regular and irregular verbsVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of simple conjunctions by filling in the blanks!

por Juan Pablo Cabrera

found decided forgot returned walked woke packed arrived drove stopped enjoyed started

Last weekend , my friends and I to go hiking in the mountains . We up early on Saturday morning , our bags , and left the city by 7 a . m . The weather was perfect when we arrived at the trailhead .

We for hours , and everything went smoothly until we got lost . None of us knew the way , so we to check the map . Unfortunately , we to bring one !

After wandering for a while , we finally the trail again . By the time we reached the top of the mountain , we felt exhausted but happy . We took some pictures and the beautiful view before heading back down .

When we to the car , it to rain . We quickly back to the city and just in time for dinner . It was an unforgettable adventure !

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