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Life in Prehistory. 3 periods.

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Complete the text to understand the way people lived in Prehistory.

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Life in Prehistory. 3 periods.Versión en línea

Complete the text to understand the way people lived in Prehistory.

por Ms Fernhill

bipedal hominization hands brains language

Human beings today are the result of a long process of evolution called . Our ancestors gradually acquired the characteristics that make us different from other primates .
They becamen , which means they could walk on two feet , which allowed them to use their freely .
They could turn their thumbs , so their hands could make tools and hold objects .
Their grew in size and complexity , so they could think creatively and use .


cook Fire tools huts hunted tribes

In the Paleolithic people were nomads , they followed the animals they and made from stone .
They lived in they made from branches and animal skins .
was a key discovery and they used it to heat their shelters , and drive wild animals away .
People lived in of twenty or forty members .


villages sedentary pottery rivers looms

In the Neolithic people began to live in with solid houses , they became insted of nomadic . Their settlements were often near , which provided water to drink and agriculture .
There were many inventions in this period . They used to make textiles . They invented to make vessels to keep liquids and cereals .


trade jobs cities walls metals

In the Metal Age there were many changes :
Some were not found everywhere so developed .
Small villages became , with houses protected by .
Richer societies also mean social and economic differences . New appear , such as warriors , merchants , priests .

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