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Exercise 9

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Complete the text with the words in the box.

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Exercise 9Versión en línea

Complete the text with the words in the box.

por Barbara Grayson

count associate facet faced portrayal insight trust envious bond stand

associate bond count envious faced facet insight portrayal stand trust

The article helps us to understand how complex friendships can be and gives us some light - hearted 1 ) into the different ways that they can work . Each section reveals a different 2 ) of friendship . The article gives a 3 ) of the relationship and of the 4 ) between different kinds of people . It shows how people sometimes 5 ) with people from different backgrounds and how friendship is often a mixture of good and bad feelings : 6 ) with difficulties friends can be 7 ) of each other as well as willing to 8 ) by and support each other . In the end , though , friends 9 ) each other with all their secrets because they know a true friend will always be loyal . You just know you can 10 ) on them to sing your praises !

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