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Listening : Food & drink

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Listening : Food & drinkVersión en línea

Listening exercise

por Martín Emmanuel Vazquez Desilos

fish drink healthy drink tea chicken green never food unhealthy cakes Chocolate sugar coffee always often salad RadioTalk sugar Meat work eat

Unit 5 , Recording twelve .

Basil : Hello everyone , I'm Basil Bainbridge , and this is .

OK , today we ask the question 'Are you ? '

Our first caller is Tom .

Tom , are you there ?

Tom : Hi Basil .

Yes , I'm here .

Basil : So , Tom , I've got some questions for you about and , OK ?

Tom : Sure , Basil .

Basil : So , Tom how often do you tea or ?

Never , sometimes , often , usually or always ?

Tom : I drink coffee , I don't like it , but I drink tea in the morning .

Hmm , so 'always' .

Basil : OK .

How often do you have in your or coffee ?

Tom : I never have in my tea .

I drink tea .

It's not good with sugar .

Basil : And ? how often do you eat ?

Tom : I often eat cakes .

cakes are sooooo good !

Basil : Hmm I see .

And do you eat chocolate ?

Tom : I usually eat chocolate at .

Maybe three times a week ?

Maybe four ?

Basil : Last question .

How often do you meat ?

Tom : Hmm .

Well , Basil , I sometimes eat or , but I often eat meat .

is great .

I love meat , especially .

Basil : Hmm , not good Tom .

You often eat food , Tom .

OK , so the next caller is ?

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