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Vocabulary: Transport, accommodation and travel II

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Vocabulary: Transport, accommodation and travel IIVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the words below.

por Jesús Hernández Rexa

local departure long off landing abroad arrival short take

1 . I've never been to another country . This is my first trip .

2 . The - haul flight from Milan to Los Angeles takes almost fourteen hours .

3 . We will arrive in Lisbon in about ten minutes . Please return to your seats for .

4 . Pablo's is at 10 . 30 , so he needs to go to the airport now .

5 . When you're on the plane , you can't get up or use the toilets during - or landing .

6 . Their time was 9 . 30 but they were twenty minutes early , so they had to wait for me to pick them up .

7 . When I travel abroad , I like to try the food .

8 . It's a - haul flight from Rome to Naples . I often go and come back the same day .

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