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Present simple and continuous

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Complete the texts with verbs in present simple or continuous

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Present simple and continuousVersión en línea

Complete the texts with verbs in present simple or continuous

por Rocío r

Text 1 :
Sarah ( to study ) at the library right now because she ( to have ) an important exam tomorrow . She usually ( to study ) at home , but today she ( to prefer ) a quieter place . Her friends often ( to go ) out in the evenings , but Sarah ( not / to join ) them tonight .

Text 2 :
Look ! The children ( to play ) in the park . They always ( to enjoy ) playing outside after school . Usually , they ( to go ) home at 6 p . m . , but today they ( to stay ) longer because the weather ( to be ) really nice .

Text 3 :
John ( to work ) as a teacher , and he ( to love ) his job . Right now , he ( to teach ) his students about history . Every day , he ( to prepare ) interesting lessons and ( to try ) to make learning fun . This week , he focusing ( to focus ) on ancient civilizations .

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