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Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice

por Martín Emmanuel Vazquez Desilos

published could habits arrogant thinks will marriage upper social describes wants when improvement married barriers bachelor falls attracted

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen was in 1813 . Like all of her novels , Pride and Prejudice is a comedy of manners which in detail the customs , behaviours and of people . In 19th century England there was a class system which parallels the class system of today . Women usually men of the same class . For the classes , marriage was much more like a business transaction than it is today . Even among poor families , marriage contracts include financial conditions and a dowry . Marriage was the only way of social for a woman .

The novel tells the story of the Bennet family in Hertfordshire , who try to overcome social that separate them from their aristocratic neighbours . Mrs Bennet to find husbands for her five daughters , Jane , Elizabeth , Lydia , Kitty and Mary , because her husband dies his estate go to the cousin Mr Collins and so her daughters will inherit nothing . She is very happy when Charles Bingley , a rich young , moves to live near them with his two sisters and rich friend Mr Darcy . Bingley falls in love with Jane and Darcy is to her sister Elizabeth . At first , Elizabeth does not like Darcy as she he is . But , when Lydia runs away with Mr Wickham , Mr Darcy convinces them to return and marry to protect the family honour . As time passes , Elizabeth in love with Darcy and the novel ends with Elizabeth accepting his proposal of and Jane marrying Bingley .

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