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Past Tenses

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Complete the dialogue using past simple, continuous and perfect.

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Past TensesVersión en línea

Complete the dialogue using past simple, continuous and perfect.

por Sabrina greppo

didn did left were was heard had sleeping was never decided waited know reading had do slept happened eating

Lewis : Did you enjoy sleeping in a tent every night ?
Rob : Well , on the first night I was quite frightened .
Lewis : Why ? The campsite is safe , isn ? t it ?
Rob : Yes , but I in a tent before . On the first night I was awake until morning . On the second night I was more relaxed because nothing bad the night before . At about 11 p . m . I was lying in my sleeping bag , feeling quite happy , when suddenly I an animal outside the tent , right next to me .
Lewis : Oh ! What was it ? A bear ?
Rob : No ! It was just a fox , but I ? t that . It the dinner that I hadn't finished because I had been so tired .
Lewis : But you mustn ? t leave food outside at night ! Even I know that ! So what you ?
Rob : Nothing ! I until the animal and then I waited some more , and finally I opened my tent and looked out . It was late and most other people on the campsite , but I could see a light in my friend ? s tent . He a book , so I to go and sleep there !

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