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marco rabadan

thrown up end gamblers win win in the from the from immersion venture at thriving ground brainstorm deep scratch

Are the most successful entrepreneurs college dropouts ?

There is an old adage in English : " No risk , no reward . " Having known and worked for many successful business people in my life , I have noticed one major trait that all of them have . They are all . And by that I don't mean that all of them go to the casino or play poker every weekend . I mean that they take risks in business that most people are afraid to take . In addition to taking risks , they also seem to get bored easily ? at least with school . So , is it true that most successful entrepreneurs and business people are college dropouts ? Statistics say no .

There have been some articles that glamourized dropping out of college to become a successful entrepreneur , but the truth is that most successful people in the United States come from elite , Ivy League colleges . As far as test scores are concerned , it doesn't matter which college the person attends ? higher test scores typically translate into more successful people or better job opportunities . While these people may not become overnight millionaires or billionaires , they still earn higher than average incomes or become successful by starting their own companies .

I teach English to many students from Spain who are learning about entrepreneurship and business by using the Finnish method called Tiimiakatemia . In this method , the students are immediately upon entering the program by creating their own business with a team . This teaching method uses into business , rather than a typical academic approach to learning . They have no exams in this school , their test is to create a business with their teams . The students must ideas to develop and manufacture products . I am always fascinated when I listen to the ideas that my students come up with to create a successful business . One of my students told me about a project that he and his team started by creating backpacks from recycled materials . They use materials from old signs to create them , making a profit but also helping the environment . It's a - for everyone ! By comparison , Boyan Slat , a Dutch college dropout , recently launched his ocean cleanup device in order to clean up the plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the Pacific Ocean . The material is brought back to shore on small boats every few weeks after collection .

Arguably , the most successful college dropout of our time is Bill Gates , who left Harvard in 1975 to found Microsoft with Paul Allen ? recently deceased . Gates received an honorary degree from Harvard in 2007 and has publicly said , " Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software , getting a degree is a much surer path to success . " Sometimes , taking risks pays off , but the more stable path to success is through taking calculated risks .

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