Slope-Intercept Switch
Froggy Jumps
Here's a quick recap of converting y = mx + b to standard form:
Move the x term to the left side: Subtract mx from both sides of the equation.
Ensure the x coefficient is positive: If the coefficient of x is negative, multiply both sides by -1.
That's it! You've successfully converted the equation to standard form (Ax + By = C).
Move the x term to the left side: Subtract mx from both sides of the equation.
Ensure the x coefficient is positive: If the coefficient of x is negative, multiply both sides by -1.
That's it! You've successfully converted the equation to standard form (Ax + By = C).
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partes de una planta
silvia de la galaPerúla partes de una planta son: tallo que sostiene a la planta, la raiz que absorve el agua y las sales minerales, las hojas que realiza la funcion de la fotosintesis y la flor -
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Belém AragónEspañaEsta actividad trata de completar un texto sencillo en inglés. Esta actividad esta dirigida para alumnos de 3º de la ESO