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Read and complete with the Superlative form of the adjectivesVersión en línea

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por ماجد السويهري

most difficult youngest most popular best kindest intelligent happiest worst interesting most most

My cousin Layla is the ( popular ) person in my family and at school , too . She is the ( kind ) person I know and the ( intelligent ) . In class , she is the ( good ) student .
She makes people feel happy , too . I think she is the ( happy ) person in our family . Layla always makes people laugh , and we all have a great time with her . I'm the ( young ) in my family and also the ( bad ) at science in my class ! Layla helps me understand the ( difficult ) things . She makes me feel good because she says we can't be good at everything . I love reading and writing stories , and Layla often says I write the ( interesting ) stories in the world !

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