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ARW1 Essay writing techniques

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ARW1 Essay writing techniquesVersión en línea

Choose the best word to complete the text.

por Vica Zabroda

topic sentence opinion solution paragraphs unrelated last three facts background restate

An essay is a group of about one . An opinion essay is written to persuade or convince the reader that your is " the right way of thinking . " An opinion essay has parts : the introduction , the body , and the conclusion . Introduction The introduction is the ? rst paragraph of an essay . It includes a thesis statement that introduces the topic and states the main idea . The introduction should capture the reader ? s attention and make them want to read on . Many introductions begin with general information on the topic and end with the thesis statement as the sentence of the paragraph . In an opinion essay , the thesis statement should state the writer ? s opinion about the topic .
The body is one to three paragraphs . The body supports the thesis statement by giving examples , details , reasons , and to support the thesis statement . Each paragraph should start with a clearly stated topic that relates to the thesis statement . In addition , because you are trying to convince your readers to accept your opinion , you need to give evidence to support your opinion . You also need to give reasons that explain why the evidence supports your opinion .
The conclusion should the thesis statement and include the writer ? s ? nal thoughts on the topic . For example , the writer can give advice , suggest a to a problem , or predict what will happen in the future . The conclusion should not include new or topics .

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