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Exercise 1

Completar frases

Take an educated guess and finidh the sentences with the idioms.

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Completar frases

Exercise 1Versión en línea

Take an educated guess and finidh the sentences with the idioms.

por Barbara Grayson

takes lane flooding memory like racked to memory memory back back trip sieve bell heart rings by brains come jogged

? Seeing her handwriting on the note my and reminded me of the countless letters we used to exchange .
? The taste of that dish instantly me my travels in Thailand , where I first experienced authentic street food .
? Flicking through my diary was a down that uncovered childhood relfections and forgotten stories .
? Donna her , trying to recall the name of the author who wrote that compelling book on human behavior .
? I used to know the periodic table , but now I can barely remember more than a few elements .
? Despite his academic brilliance , his friends joke that he has a a when it comes to everyday tasks .
? The title of that book a ? wasn't it on the reading list for our literature class ?
? The scent of jasmine in the garden made the memories of my grandmother's house , bringing both joy and a bittersweet longing .

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