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marco rabadan

sensors gone device to lifestyle about down insurers up guesswork think linked cleanup

Do fitness trackers make you fitter ?

A Fitbit or similar fitness tracker was on top of many Christmas wish lists last year . It not only appealed to someone that wanted to keep fit , but also to those that wanted to lose weight or monitor their state of health in general . Fitness trackers have , in just a few years , become a global one billion dollar industry . They work by measuring movement . The is worn on the arm and it is body movement through that can follow motion in all directions . The data collected is then converted into steps , calories , and other activity . This information can then be viewed on a smartphone app . Some trackers even allow you to see how high you have climbed or how many stairs you have and . Other trackers send data showing the heart - rate and the sleep patterns of the person wearing the device .

Most makers admit that there is some and estimating used when converting movement data into steps and even more when measuring a person's state of health . The reason for this may be clearer if we a similar situation : imagine you are at a large music concert and you decide to record the event . You switch on your cell phone and press the record button . However , when you listen back later , you notice that you have recorded the music but you have also recorded lots of other noises ? people shouting and cheering , for example . If you want to hear only the pure music you have to remove all these other noises from the recording you made . This process is what a good tracker needs to do too . It is not easy .

No one would disagree with the fact that it's a good thing that people want to improve their . It is a well known fact that a large number of people would benefit from doing more exercise . It is also interesting to have clear information about your health , sleep patterns , blood pressure , etc . without the need to visit a doctor . So what's the problem ?

Well , the first thing is ? as you read above ? the data is not very precise . If you were to wear three trackers , all at the same time , they would all give different results . Moreover , most experts agree that movement is not a good guide to sleep patterns . Does all this matter ? Probably not . The arm bands are more about getting people to get up and go than giving them precise data . They are very easy to use and read . They keep thoughts about fitness and health at the front of their minds . What might worry users more perhaps , is what happens to all this data . Who owns it ? Will it be sold to advertisers or ? These are important questions that , right now , have no answers .

Let's check your understanding !