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Business dialogue 1

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Gap-filling activity

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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Business dialogue 1Versión en línea

Gap-filling activity

por Kate

What about modify keep prices transfer the money shouldn according to make sure that Let?s calculate the total sum the details of the last order I?ll sort it out cancel the order

* * Alice : * * Good morning , Bob . I hope you ? re doing well . I wanted to follow up on we discussed . We need to everything is in order before we transfer the money .
* * Bob : * * Good morning , Alice . Yes , I reviewed the order . I think there might be a small issue with the total sum . again to ensure everything is correct .
* * Alice : * * Absolutely , let ? s do that . Should we also consider any potential modifications the manufacturer ? s specifications ?
* * Bob : * * Yes , that ? s a good point . modifying the order a little ? We ? t ignore the manufacturer ? s recommendations .
* * Alice : * * I agree . We should definitely the order according to the manufacturer ? s guidelines to reasonable . I ? ll sort it out with our team and get back to you with the updated total sum .
* * Bob : * * Great , I ? ll tell you if I have any thoughts . Let me know what you think about the modifications once you ? ve discussed them with the manufacturer .
* * Alice : * * Will do . I ? ll make sure to only after we ? ve confirmed the final details . We need to make sure that everything is accurate before proceeding .
* * Bob : * * Perfect . If everything aligns , we can proceed with the transfer . If not , we might need to and start fresh .
* * Alice : * * Understood . and I ? ll let you know as soon as I have the final figures . Thanks for your cooperation , Bob .
* * Bob : * * No problem , Alice . I appreciate your attention to detail . Let ? s make sure everything is in place before moving forward .
* * Alice : * * Absolutely . Have a great day , Bob .
* * Bob : * * You too , Alice . Talk soon .

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