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ARW1 Lesson 4 summary

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Let's review the paragraph structure.

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ARW1 Lesson 4 summaryVersión en línea

Let's review the paragraph structure.

por Vica Zabroda

supporting develop main paragraph controlling statement idea end related restates illustrate related

In this lesson , we were working on writing techniques . You have learned that a paragraph is a group of sentences that are and deal with a single topic . A summary paragraph identi ? es and extracts the idea from a text , leaving out less important details . All summary paragraphs have a topic sentence with a idea . The topic sentence controls the content of the rest of the paragraph . This control helps the writer focus on ideas in the paragraph that are directly to the topic sentence . The controlling is the idea you want to explain , , or describe in the paragraph . It makes a speci ? c about a topic . Supporting sentences explain or prove the topic sentence . They your ideas about the topic . Finally , the concluding sentence signals the of a paragraph . It and summarizes the topic sentence .

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