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International English language

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Елена Awramenko

about call international Journalists contact speaking developments aviation journals seminars essential material based international companies global position China skills diplomats first 350 interview writing

English as a global language

People often talk English as a language or lingua franca . With more than million people around the world speaking English as a language and more than 430 million speaking it as a second language , there are English speakers in most countries around the world . Why is English so popular , though ? And why has it become a global language ?

People often English the language of business , and it ? s increasingly true as trade expands every year , bringing new countries into . Many of the best MBA programs are taught in English , so it well can put you in a position to get the best training and credentials . Most multinational require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a with a top company , more and people are learning English .
Much of the technical terminology is on English words , and if you want to learn about the latest and discoveries from around the world , you ? ll read about them in and research reports published in English , no matter whether the scientists who wrote them are from or Norway . And , of course , with good conversational English , you ? ll be able to network and make important contacts at conferences and .
and writers around the world are finding a good command of English to be an increasingly useful skill . Even if you ? re your articles and doing interviews in your own language , with good English you can get background from international wire services and papers and magazines from around the world . You can foreign businessmen , and maybe even get sent to cover overseas stories . Good English mean that you are not reliant on translators and can work faster and more accurately with English information sources .

If you want a career in travel , English is absolutely . As the international language of , pilots and cabin crew all need to speak English .