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Got Milk 1Versión en línea

Vocabulary Practice

por Kim Ly

led run out reel back surplus troops frustrations selling point ramped up mustache fought

One of the most famous campaigns that came to be in the last 30 years is the Got Milk campaign from the 1990s .
You might recognize it from its bold white font on a black background or from countless celebrities and models wearing the signature white milk on magazines , billboards , and television commercials .
So , what made this campaign about milk so successful ?

History of " Got Milk "
During World War II The US government milk production to send to the abroad , advertising it as a drink for healthy bones and teeth .

In the 1980s , there was a dramatic decline in demand for milk due to the rise of sugary drinks .
As demand declined , dairy farmers in the United States didn ? t in production and were asking the government to do something about the of milk sitting on shelves and in warehouses .
To battle the soda giants , the government back by advertising how cool milk could be and how good it was for your body .

The Slogan
In 1993 , Goodby , Silverstein & Partners a focus group . The participants were asked not to drink milk for a week before the study .

The goal was to understand consumers ? milk habits . They discovered that , as one participant put it , people only notice milk when they . Running out of milk was the they were looking for .
This is where the slogan " got milk " came from . Instead of the benefits of milk , people focused on the of not having milk .
The " Got Milk " campaign ? s success and clever marketing stopped milk sales from declining over the last few decades .

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