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dumping ground

dumping ground

marco rabadan

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Zero waste movement

Since 1988 , China had been the for half of the planet's waste since it allowed several foreign countries to dump their plastic waste for disposal . But on December 31st , 2017 , China's ban on imported plastic waste went into effect . Researchers from the University of Georgia estimated that this will leave approximately 111 metric tons of waste over the same time frame , 30 years , for these countries to their garbage on their own . The ban has sent countries to what to do with all of its own plastic waste . Consumerism and packaging are the main culprits for creating this waste ? mainly from single use bottles , plastic bags , and food wrappers . This is causing many countries to rethink packaging , recycling , and reusing containers .

China decided to this ban in order to reduce emissions and pollution . Most people remember the complaints from the Olympic athletes competing in Beijing regarding the poor air quality while competing . Countries were sending their plastic waste there to be disposed of in very poor conditions . Most people do not separate their plastics or clean them before they recycle or dispose of them . Countries decided it was cheaper to pay China to deal with the cleanup and disposal rather than to do it on their own soil . The poor air quality and China's rapid economic growth were the for making this change .

This has sparked a new movement called the zero waste movement , which is an effort made by consumers to reduce their waste into the size of a small jar for an entire year . Thus , these consumers reuse , recycle , or compost everything they purchase . Anything that cannot be reused , recycled , or composted gets put into the jar . These people make a conscious effort to separate their waste in order to save the planet .

Many decades ago in the United States , people had many delivered to their doors , such as milk . The milkman would bring glass containers of milk to everyone's door directly from the farm or grocery store . People would give the bottles back to the milkman every week when he would bring new milk to reuse them . Now , some stores are offering discounts for consumers to buy certain items in bulk , like cereal , dried fruits , nuts , etc . People bring reusable containers and purchase by the pound , ounce , or kilo . Stores in many European countries charge for bags if consumers do not bring their own and need one .

Grocery stores in many countries are now offering to do the shopping for consumers . People can order online and the store will select the best items for them and have them ready at a specific time for the customer . In other countries , people can have their groceries delivered . This may eventually reignite the practice of customers returning reusable containers . Some stores may eventually offer a discount for customers who return their containers to be reused .

For many consumers , the only way they will recycle is if they have an to do so or if it is convenient . In some countries , stores will give refunds for aluminum , plastic , or glass containers so that they can be recycled . Often , it is not convenient for people to recycle , so cities will have to offer pickup services for recyclable materials to interest .

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