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Oskari: Sentences (28 August 2024)

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Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. All the sentences contain terms you have in your Quizlet set Oskari: Vocabulary Summer 2024.

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Oskari: Sentences (28 August 2024)Versión en línea

Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. All the sentences contain terms you have in your Quizlet set Oskari: Vocabulary Summer 2024.

por Marietta Chela

take for four commute status riding vehicle year meet on along run get old KPI analyze twice give

1 . It is important to learn how to a business if you want to succeed .
2 . I have to work extra hours today to the deadline my project .
3 . I find it difficult to concentrate my studies when there are loud noises .
4 . I need to prepare in advance to a presentation about our new product .
5 . I would like to the data from our survey to understand the results better .
6 . My - - son loves playing with his friends at the park every weekend .
7 . I am feeling quite tired , so I decided to a day off from work tomorrow .
8 . I go to the gym a week to stay fit and improve my health .
9 . Every month , we review our to see if we are meeting our goals .
10 . I enjoy a bike along the river on sunny days .
11 . I take the train to to my office , which saves me a lot of time .
12 . Can you please update me on the of the report I submitted last week ?
13 . The I bought last year has been working perfectly .
14 . It makes me happy that my brother and I well .

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