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marco rabadan

revelation indecipherable paradoxical sluggishness myriad contorted deteriorated mourn gravitas

Should we mourn the demise of the handwritten letter ?

It appears that almost everyone loves to receive a handwritten letter but no one writes them anymore . Should we change our ways ?

Do you recall the time when your mailbox contained not just bills and advertising material , but handwritten letters from friends and family , or even birthday and holiday cards ? It seems that every sort of communication these days is a one - line message of little faces with expressions , or at best a hurried email . In most countries , as the number of personal letters sent through the postal service has declined , the cost of a postage stamp increased . So , is cost the critical issue or are other factors at work ? I'm old enough to remember the newspaper columns devoted to the speed , or , of the postal service ! Now it all seems like a very long time ago .

So , should we the death of the handwritten letter ? Well , it seems like we should . In a recent survey , most people admitted that they hadn't written a letter for at least two years ; and 65% of those , aged 25 to 34 , hardly ever even use a pen ! Strangely enough , 89% of those surveyed wished they got more letters , and 70% said they kept old letters ? rather on the face of it , you might say . We know that writing messages , thoughts , and ideas down on paper has been around for a long time ? some estimates put it as long as 6 , 000 years . The first recorded handwritten letter , or epistle , was by Persian Queen Atossa around 500 B . C . and the stamped letter we know today came into being in the reign of Queen Victoria in 1840 .

What have been the consequences of this alteration in our communication habits ? First of all , many respondents mentioned that their handwriting had because they rarely picked up a pen . But then , if you're signing for almost everything with an electronic signature , does this matter ? More worryingly perhaps , is the response from one in every six people surveyed , who admitted that they had no idea how to start or end a letter in a formal way . On the other hand , you could argue that a little less formality is not such a bad thing perhaps . For the purist though , the most distressing outcome of the survey was the , not a surprising one in my view , that 25% of young people confirmed that they prefer expressing themselves using emojis rather than words . It actually makes you wonder whether learning a foreign language is necessary or not ! Perhaps we'll all be emoji interpreters in the future !

Convinced ? Would you like to do your bit in keeping this fine old art pulsating with life ? According to Cunard Line , the cruise ship company which conducted this survey , there are occasions when a handwritten letter can carry more than an email . The examples they give include letters expressing thanks , letters of condolence on the death of a relative or friend , and letters of complaint . Next time I have a message for a friend , I will know what to do . . . if only I can find where I last put the writing paper and pen that is .

Let's check your understanding !