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20 bible verses

20 bible verses

Natalie Trevino

His gladness has thanksgiving the singing Lord Serve people shout Enter to name Make generations not you good God us that pasture before everlasting presence

a joyful to Lord , all lands ! the with ; Come His with . Know the Lord , He is ; It is He who made , and we ourselves ; We are His and the sheep of His . into gates with , And into His courts with praise . Be thankful Him , and bless His . For the Lord is ; His mercy is , And His truth endures to all .
Psalms 10 0


you I to A uphold says hand your Isaiah with not 1 you not

verse that's often used to help anxiety and fear , it's a reminder that God will give us the strength fight anxiety . The verse , " So do fear , for I am with ; do be dismayed , for I am God . will strengthen you and help ; I will you with my righteous right "
41 :


eternal his life loved 16 world he not God in John

" For so the that gave one and only Son , that whoever believes him shall perish but have " .
3 :


will except way endure also mankind to is And faithful But temptation God overtaken beyond

" No has you what common . is ; he not let you be tempted what you can bear . when you are tempted he will provide a out so that you can it " .

1 Corinthians 10 : 13 - 1 6


have future Lord to the a welfare For evil declares

I know plans I for you , the , plans for and not for , give you and a hope .
Jeremiah 29 : 1 1


in not the of for forsake courageous goes God or will leave strong

Be and . Do fear be dread them , it is Lord your who with you . He not you or you . ?
Deuteronomy 31 : 6


all Lord and in acknowledge your paths straight heart will understanding

Trust the with your , and do not lean on your own . In all ways him , he make your .
Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6


The of end never great mercies new your

steadfast love the Lord ceases ; his never come to an ; they are every morning ; is faithfulness .
Lamentations 3 : 22 - 2 3


him Oh takes man good is that

, taste and see the Lord is ! Blessed the who refuge in !

Psalm 34 : 8


Fear you righteous you uphold dismayed am I help strengthen

not , for am with ; be not , for I your God ; I will you , I will you , I will with my right hand .
Isaiah 41 : 1 0


things Though look are do this lose transient comparison eternal are that So preparing renewed wasting For

we not heart . our outer self is away , our inner self is being day by day . For light momentary affliction is for us an weight of glory beyond all , as we not to the things that seen but to the things are unseen . the that are seen are , but the things that are unseen eternal .

2 Corinthians 4 : 16 - 18


will peace trust steadfast minds

You keep in perfect those whose are , because they in you .

Isaiah 26 : 3


Christ through baptized Jesus children

So in you are all of God faith ,
for all of you who were into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ .

Galatians 3 : 26 - 2 7


I can do all this through him who gives me strength .

Philippians 4 : 1 3


me mortals LORD for Be watch words day my to word schemes hoping wickedness trust enemies

merciful me , God , for my enemies are in hot pursuit ; all day long they press their attack .
My adversaries pursue me all day long ; in their pride many are attacking .
When I am afraid , I put my in you .
In God , whose word I praise ? in God I trust and am not afraid . What can mere do to me ?
All long they twist my ; all their are my ruin .
They conspire , they lurk , they my steps , to take my life . Because of their do not let them escape ; in your anger , God , bring the nations down .
Record my misery ; list my tears on your scroll ? are they not in your record ?
Then my will turn back when I call for help . By this I will know that God is for me .
In God , whose word I praise , in the , whose I praise .

Psalms 56 1 - 1 0


fill hope Holy May peace God overflow so power

the of hope you with all joy and as you trust in him , that you may with by the of the Spirit .
Romans 15 : 1 3


purpose know those works all called And

we that in things God for the good of who love him , who have been according to his .

Romans 8 : 2 8


would inheritance for charm lips Better more heart disaster deceitful unpunished the listens attention

a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting , with strife .
A prudent servant will rule over a disgraceful son and will share the as one of family .
The crucible silver and the furnace for gold , but the LORD tests the .
A wicked person to lips ; a liar pays to a destructive tongue .
Whoever mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker ; whoever gloats over will not go .
Children ? s children are a crown to the aged , and parents are the pride of their children .
Eloquent are unsuited to a godless fool ? how much worse lying lips to a ruler !
A bribe is seen as a by the one who gives it ; they think success will come at every turn .
Whoever foster love covers over an offense , but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends .
A rebuke impresses a discerning person than a hundred lashes a fool .

Proverbs 17 1 - 1 0


and they weary and will will

but those who hope in the LORD renew their strength . They soar on wings like eagles ; will run not grow , they will walk not be faint .
Isaiah 40 : 3 1


burned When rivers and waters sweep through you flames

you pass through the , I will be with you ; when you pass the , they will not over you . When you walk through the fire , will not be ; the will not set you ablaze .
Isaiah 43 : 2