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Object pronouns

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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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Object pronouns

Listening practice

Sonia Martinez

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Marco is going on vacation to Britain . It is his first trip to Europe . He is staying with a friend in London . His mom is helping ( example ) him out .

MOM : I ? m home ! Marco ? Where are you ?

MARCO : In my room , mom !

MOM : What are you doing ? Are you preparing your things for the trip ?

MARCO : Yes , mom . I'm preparing .

MOM : Can I help you darling ?

MARCO : Please mom !

MOM : Do you have your student ? s ID ?

MARCO : I ? ll look for , right now ? Found !

MOM : Let me check if you have everything in your bag pack . Hmm toiletry ?

MARCO : I got . . . .

MOM : your hair brush ?

MARCO : I packed yesterday .

MOM : toothbrush and shampoo ?

MARCO : Sure , I drop in my bag .

MOM : Ok ? now important documents ?

MARCO : I put there too , mom .

MOM : All of them ? I'll check again ? passport . . . your passport ? I do not see in your traveller ? s wallet !

MARCO : I put in there ! Oh , no ! Mom . . . I left on the table in Susie's room .

MOM : I'll ask to bring it to you . Susy ? Susy . . . Susy ? I know you are there . Can you hear ? . Bring to him , please ! His passport , I mean .

SUS : Yeap ! Here you go , Marco .

MARCO : Love you , sis !