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Europe during The Conquests of Clovis I

Mapa Interactivo

Map to practice the geography of Europe during Clovis I

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Edad recomendada: 6 años
3 veces realizada

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Bosnia y Herzegovina

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Europe during The Conquests of Clovis IVersión en línea

Map to practice the geography of Europe during Clovis I

por Vijo Gor
1 Where the Franks started as a tribe 2 Conquests of Clovis 3 Visigothic Kingdom 4 Frisians 5 Angles, Saxons and Jutes 6 Saxons 7 Alamanni 8 Kingdom of the Burgundians 9 Ostrogothic Kingdom 10 Kingdom of the Thuringians 11 Lombards 12 Bavarians 13 Bretons
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