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C-words with prepositions

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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C-words with prepositionsVersión en línea

Revise prepositions

por Anastasia

with on from of towards of saying on for of at

Our family consists three people : my dad , my mom and me . If you compare our family other families you will understand that we are just the same . My dad comes Mordovia . All men in our family ( my dad and I ) are clever Maths while our mother is brilliant at linguistics . Once she even won a competition and we congratulated her this . When it comes to me , it goes without that I try to concentrate my studies because I want to become a popular scientist . I go to the tutor who charges us our lessons ( so we have to pay ) . My mother takes care us , so we feel happy and elated . My mother hates cruelty animals and other creatures . She is conscious the environment as well . I love my family .

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