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B2.7 Creating a buzz (Listening activity after ex. 2)

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Complete the extract from the interview about social media marketing with the correct verbs.

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B2.7 Creating a buzz (Listening activity after ex. 2)

Complete the extract from the interview about social media marketing with the correct verbs.

Mariana Padilla

share buy create involve catch provide sell

Thanks , Greg . Good marketing is an ability to turn your customers into fans ; in other words , making people so passionate about what you do that they want to it with others . These days a company has no hope of doing that unless they use social media : not just to their products and services , but to really people in what they're doing .
Basically , customers these days want to know a company's story , and they want to learn something . And if you can those things , and use social media to get them to into your story , they you can a loyal following . You can passing customers sometimes with pop - up ads on the internet , but the creation of a loyal following is a much more effective long - term strategy .