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Simple Present story

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Complete the exercise using simple present

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Simple Present storyVersión en línea

Complete the exercise using simple present

por Itzel Villegas

books much play want she sleeps them doesn't teaches cooks name her likes live works have sometimes teacher never

My is Robert . I in this house . That is my dog . His name is Finn . He likes sleeping . He usually under the tree . I a lot of friends . I often football with . I always call them when i to play in the park . I go to park alone . My father in a bank . He usually comes home late . He sitting here and reading . He sleeps when he reads . He like playing football or watching it on TV . My mother is a . She English and she likes her students very much . She delicious food for me . I love so much but doesn't let me eat junk food . Does your mother let you ?

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