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marco rabadan

trials host up pick wandering tribulations on literacy and poverty prisoners wealthy

The power of reading

? " Reading brings knowledge and knowledge is power ; therefore reading is power . The power to know and learn and understand . . . but also the power to dream . Stories inspire us to reach high , love deep , change the world , and be more than we ever thought we could . Every book allows us to dream a new dream . " ? Emma Chase , Royally Matched
Isn't it true ? Reading is knowledge and knowledge is power . Statistics show that people in high level executive positions ? think CEO level ? usually read four to five books a month . Reading builds up wisdom . And it is easy to do , make it part of your daily routine . Many successful people worldwide have stressed the importance reading plays in their daily lives . So the moral of this story is : If you want to get ahead , be an active reader .

Thomas Corley completed a five - year study comparing the daily habits of people that are and others that live in . He came to the conclusion that the two social classes have different habits , which are directly related to a person's financial standing . It seems like wealth and success are generated from good daily habits . Corley found that the wealthy read three times more than poor people do . In addition , 85% of the wealthy read two or more self - improvement books every month , while only 15% of the poor read these types of books . On top of those numbers , more than 60% of in U . S . jails are illiterate .

? " Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier . " ? Kathleen Norris
Reading can be super relaxing . It is a way to escape into a fantasy world and push everyday out of your mind . Research shows that reading for a short amount of time ? only six minutes ? can reduce stress levels and anxiety . Reading can lower your heart rate and relax tight muscles . Getting lost in a book is pleasurable because the mind enjoys into different realities . Therefore , create a special reading nook in your house . Have a space you can retreat to for getting lost in a book . The special place may be a comfy recliner or a hammock on your patio , you decide .

? " Children are made readers on the laps of their parents . " ? Emilie Buchwald
It is important for parents to model the importance of reading to their children . Children benefit from seeing their parents read . Children the habits of their parents , so start reading to them young . Reading to children leads to language development and promotes early skills . Reading aloud to children engages them and helps them develop their imagination and creativity while motivating them to learn new things . Reading also gives children a way to relax . That is why bedtime stories are such an integral part of a child's night routine .

? " No matter how busy you may think you are , you must find time for reading , or surrender yourself to self - chosen ignorance . " ? Atwood H . Townsend .
People receive a of benefits when they take the time to read . Are you ready to be the best you possibly can ? If so , start making a list of books you want to read this year . Ask friends for recommendations and review The New York Times best - seller list . And for people learning English , reading in English kills two birds with one stone . Not only do you review grammar and increase your vocabulary when you read , but you also become more knowledgeable in life !

Let's check what you remember !