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rule of thumb

rule of thumb

marco rabadan

of crashes attention prompted out turns thumb pay under maximize rule fall big ticket fired

Pareto principle : The 80 / 20 rule

80% of the work is done by 20% of a company's employees .

Life is not fair . We have all heard this stated , but Wilfried Fritz Pareto , an Italian engineer , economist , and philosopher , examined the real life applications of this statement . His discoveries are now taught in accounting , economics , and business classes throughout colleges and universities worldwide . Although the 80 / 20 rule is not based on exact numbers , it is a general that many businesses close to . So , what does it mean ?

When Pareto first brought attention to this observation , he used it to determine income distribution , also coining the term 'elite' . In generalized terms , his philosophy stated that 80% of Italy's land was owned by 20% of the total population . His claim mathematical equations and scientific research regarding his observation . If this were true , what else could be affected ? It that many financial and economic factors this general principle . For example :
? 80% of the work is done by 20% of the employees
? 80% of a company's profits come from 20% of its customers
? 20% of computer bugs cause 80% of its
? 20% of ideas create 80% of the solutions to problems

Now that we know this , how can we apply it to our own lives or businesses ? I have asked many of my students , colleagues , and friends how they use Pareto principle in their daily lives . Each has a very unique approach to using it .

One of my students is an engineer who designs warehouses for distributors , such as Walmart and Amazon . He uses this principle based on a 20 / 60 / 20 rule . Items which sell daily or often ( 20% ) are put in the best spot in the warehouses ? the front of the shelves where they can be reached easily . The next 60% of the distributor's inventory goes in the second best areas of the warehouse ? easily reachable , but not in the very front . These would - be items that sell every week or two weeks . The last 20% of their items are placed in the areas which are the hardest to reach . These are products which are sold every two weeks to once a month or - items , such as big screen TVs or mattresses .

Another student uses this method with her calendar . She uses color coding to design her calendar for the week and distributes her time into three categories . Category A is for anything that takes less than 30 minutes . Category B takes 30 minutes to an hour . Category C is for anything that takes more than an hour . Since every week is different , sometimes categories A and C contribute to approximately 30% of her time ( 15% each roughly ) and category B totals around 70% . Sometimes , it is distributed closer to 20 / 60 / 20 , such as the engineer's plan . This helps her to her time and be more efficient ? both personally and professionally . She is able to fill in time slots with tasks based on the amount of time it takes to complete them if she has free time in her schedule . She can make phone calls , answer e - mails , or even rearrange some meetings to make more time for other things , if she needs to do so .

One of the most extreme ways this principle is used is by a very large corporation based in Miami . It uses this principle for its sales people . Its distribution is 10 / 80 / 10 , however . The company takes the top 10% of its sales team and gives them everything for the year ? company cars , company cell phones , bonuses , etc . The next 80% gets its regular salary and commission ? nothing extra . At the end of the year , the bottom 10% is and replaced . Some people think this is a bit extreme , but the company sees it as effective .

So , how can you incorporate Pareto principle into your daily routine ?

Let's check what you can remember !