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Thirteen Colonies US Map

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Thirteen Colonies US MapVersión en línea

Click the button on the map that corresponds to the name of the correct colony

por Rosa Galván
1 Georgia 2 Massachusetts 3 New York 4 New Hampshire 5 Pennsylvania 6 Connecticut 7 Delaware 8 North Carolina 9 Maryland 10 New Jersey 11 South Carolina 12 Virginia 13 Rhode Island


Established as a penal colony for English debtors.

Colony founded by the Puritans who arrived on the Mayflower.

Colony first founded by the Dutch.

One of the three colonies named as "a new version" of a place in England.

Colony named after its original owner: William Penn.

Colony founded solely by Puritans.

Colony that shares the name with a grape soda.

Coloniy founded by colonizers from Virginia.

Home to Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics.

Colony converted into the Garden State.

Expandes coloniy founded by colonizers from Virginia.

The first colony established.

Colony originally call "Roodt Eylant" by the Dutch.

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