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marco rabadan

hanging produce freshen nutrient dwarf debris plant efficacious herb ornamental soothing

Growing fresh air

Plants are a great addition to any home . They can purify the air , generate , and give your house character . Plants are natural humidifiers so they add moisture to the air . They also make you feel good and are often used in hospitals due to their and healing effects . Being surrounded by plants has been associated with combating symptoms of depression and anxiety . Many plants also have a natural fragrance so say goodbye to chemical air fresheners .

One way to the air you breathe is to open the windows daily . You could also diffuse essential oils to disinfect the air . Another option is adding some common household plants to different rooms in your house . Purifying the air in your home improves your overall wellbeing since oxygen affects every inch of the human body ! Researchers at NASA recommend having one plant for every 100 square feet ( 9 . 2 square meter ) of home or office space .

Think about all the time you spend indoors . It is surprising , but air pollution is often worse indoors than outside . Inside houses and offices , people are surrounded by products made with toxic chemicals like cleaning supplies , air fresheners , and stain resistant carpets . Let's think more about growing our own air . Think of it this way : instead of just purifying the air you breathe , you can make new air .

The following plants have been proven to be effective at improving air quality and even reducing common VOCs ( volatile organic compounds ) indoors :
? Areca palm removes CO2 from the air and turns it into oxygen . Ideally , you need four shoulder high plants for every person in the house .
? Mother - in - law ? s tongue , also called snake plant , is known as a bedroom plant because it converts CO2 into oxygen at night . Ideally , you need six to eight waist high plants for every person in the house .
? Money plants remove formaldehyde and other volatile chemicals from the air .

Additional research has also noted some other plants that are when it comes to removing contamination from the air . English ivy is an air filtering houseplant that can also be a . The peace lily reduces the number of toxins in the air . The bamboo palm is purifying , while the spider plant fights against pollutants .

Keeping these plants healthy will ensure their optimal performance . Therefore , it is important to frequently wipe down their leaves . It is best to grow these plants either in hydroponics or using vermicompost , which is rich and comes from worms . Keep the top layer of soil in the plant's container clean and free of since filtering often occurs at this level . Some plants can be harmful to pets or humans , so it is important to do your research before adding them to your space .

Another way to add plants to your home is to put versions of fruit trees indoors . For example , you could have dwarf banana , pineapple , avocado , fig , peach , apple , lemon , or lime trees growing in containers right in your kitchen alongside a vertical garden on your wall . These plants are practical and .

In conclusion , plants make people happy . They can turn a house into a home . They make you feel healthy and give you more energy ; therefore increasing productivity . And most importantly , they will create more fresh air for you to breathe in .

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