Growing
fresh
air
Plants
are
a
great
addition
to
any
home
.
They
can
purify
the
air
,
generate
,
and
give
your
house
character
.
Plants
are
natural
humidifiers
so
they
add
moisture
to
the
air
.
They
also
make
you
feel
good
and
are
often
used
in
hospitals
due
to
their
and
healing
effects
.
Being
surrounded
by
plants
has
been
associated
with
combating
symptoms
of
depression
and
anxiety
.
Many
plants
also
have
a
natural
fragrance
so
say
goodbye
to
chemical
air
fresheners
.
One
way
to
the
air
you
breathe
is
to
open
the
windows
daily
.
You
could
also
diffuse
essential
oils
to
disinfect
the
air
.
Another
option
is
adding
some
common
household
plants
to
different
rooms
in
your
house
.
Purifying
the
air
in
your
home
improves
your
overall
wellbeing
since
oxygen
affects
every
inch
of
the
human
body
!
Researchers
at
recommend
having
one
plant
for
every
square
feet
(
.
square
meter
)
of
home
or
office
space
.
Think
about
all
the
time
you
spend
indoors
.
It
is
surprising
,
but
air
pollution
is
often
worse
indoors
than
outside
.
Inside
houses
and
offices
,
people
are
surrounded
by
products
made
with
toxic
chemicals
like
cleaning
supplies
,
air
fresheners
,
and
stain
resistant
carpets
.
Let's
think
more
about
growing
our
own
air
.
Think
of
it
this
way
:
instead
of
just
purifying
the
air
you
breathe
,
you
can
make
new
air
.
The
following
plants
have
been
proven
to
be
effective
at
improving
air
quality
and
even
reducing
common
(
volatile
organic
compounds
)
indoors
:
?
Areca
palm
removes
from
the
air
and
turns
it
into
oxygen
.
Ideally
,
you
need
four
shoulder
high
plants
for
every
person
in
the
house
.
?
Mother
-
in
-
law
?
s
tongue
,
also
called
snake
plant
,
is
known
as
a
bedroom
plant
because
it
converts
into
oxygen
at
night
.
Ideally
,
you
need
six
to
eight
waist
high
plants
for
every
person
in
the
house
.
?
Money
plants
remove
formaldehyde
and
other
volatile
chemicals
from
the
air
.
Additional
research
has
also
noted
some
other
plants
that
are
when
it
comes
to
removing
contamination
from
the
air
.
English
ivy
is
an
air
filtering
houseplant
that
can
also
be
a
.
The
peace
lily
reduces
the
number
of
toxins
in
the
air
.
The
bamboo
palm
is
purifying
,
while
the
spider
plant
fights
against
pollutants
.
Keeping
these
plants
healthy
will
ensure
their
optimal
performance
.
Therefore
,
it
is
important
to
frequently
wipe
down
their
leaves
.
It
is
best
to
grow
these
plants
either
in
hydroponics
or
using
vermicompost
,
which
is
rich
and
comes
from
worms
.
Keep
the
top
layer
of
soil
in
the
plant's
container
clean
and
free
of
since
filtering
often
occurs
at
this
level
.
Some
plants
can
be
harmful
to
pets
or
humans
,
so
it
is
important
to
do
your
research
before
adding
them
to
your
space
.
Another
way
to
add
plants
to
your
home
is
to
put
versions
of
fruit
trees
indoors
.
For
example
,
you
could
have
dwarf
banana
,
pineapple
,
avocado
,
fig
,
peach
,
apple
,
lemon
,
or
lime
trees
growing
in
containers
right
in
your
kitchen
alongside
a
vertical
garden
on
your
wall
.
These
plants
are
practical
and
.
In
conclusion
,
plants
make
people
happy
.
They
can
turn
a
house
into
a
home
.
They
make
you
feel
healthy
and
give
you
more
energy
;
therefore
increasing
productivity
.
And
most
importantly
,
they
will
create
more
fresh
air
for
you
to
breathe
in
.
Let
?
s
check
what
you
can
remember
!