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marco rabadan

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Mindful meditation

What is mindful meditation ? is a hot topic these days . Being mindful is all about being present in the moment by paying attention to what is happening around you in a nonjudgmental way . Mindful meditation is a simple practice where the focus is on paying attention to your breathing . When your mind , you need to return your concentration back to breathing .

Today's world is a place . People are always rushing around to get things done . Meditation can be used to you for your day . It is a way to and calm yourself so you can tackle whatever the day brings . Meditation is a tool for self - development and growth . It is a way to renew your mind , body , spirit , and heart .

Many people have a strong desire to meditate , yet they can never find the time . It is one of those things that often gets put on the back burner . People say : ? I'll do it later . ? But that is not what should happen . Meditation should become a daily ritual . Research shows that once you do something for 66 days in a row , the behavior becomes a habit . Meditation is all about taking time for you to feel good . You are more than of this self - care !

There are countless benefits when you add meditation to your life . One of the best ones is an increase of inner peace . You create a calmness that you can go back to whenever you are feeling stressed or . The technique of focusing on your breathing can be used throughout the day to bring you back to your happy place . In addition , meditation expands your self - awareness , it allows you to find clarity in your thoughts . You become more conscious of your feelings and aren't as easily swayed by external forces . This can also lead to having a greater source of inspiration and feelings of .

Research has also shown that there are health benefits associated with meditation . When there is less in your mind , you sleep better . Meditation your immune system and also decreases depression . By regulating your mood , you feel less anxious when meditation is part of your routine . Meditation has been proven to reduce blood pressure and it fosters feelings and positivity .

How to get started : does sitting in silence and focusing on your breathing intimidate you ? If so , find a guided meditation that you like . Nowadays , there are tons to choose from on YouTube , or you could download one from the many meditation apps available online . Before starting your meditation , get yourself in a comfortable position . Some people like to lay flat on their back while others like to sit in a comfy chair . Another option is laying on the ground with your feet up the wall in order to relieve tired leg muscles and help reverse the effects of gravity on your body . This posture also helps quiet the mind and therefore is highly recommended .

Decide when you have time to meditate and add it to your agenda . Maybe you want to wake up 15 minutes earlier so you can have quiet time by yourself , or maybe you can find time to do it after everyone in the house is ready to start his or her day . You might even decide nighttime is the best time for you . However , the advantage of meditating first thing in the morning is that it primes you for your day . There is nothing like starting the day on the right foot !

What are you waiting for ? Meditation helps improve your mindset . It enables you to have more self - control , calmness , and positivity in your life . In reality , it makes you a better person . If you are ready to get more out of your every day life , add meditation as one of your daily rituals today !