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Blue Line 2: Unit 1

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Write your words! Your English book will help!

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Blue Line 2: Unit 1Versión en línea

Write your words! Your English book will help!

por Mittelschule Landau

back Summer grandparents Jamaica scarves scarf holiday fantastic late late

I came from my trip .
You are for the meeting .
is a beautiful country .
We went on last month .
The view was .
My live in the countryside .
I wore a in winter .
She has many colorful .
He was to the party .
is my favorite season .


band cousin more heard take meet sang met hear took

I love to photos of nature .
I a picture of the sunset .
Let ? s at the cafe .
I my friend at the park .
My is visiting this weekend .
I a song at the karaoke .
The played great music .
Did you that noise ?
I the news yesterday .
Can I have some cake ?


it grandfather well tandem feel in ate of turn about cricket

He enjoys playing .
My tells great stories .
She did on her exam .
I happy today .
I saw on the table .
What you ? How was your day ?
We rode a bike .
She stood front the crowd .
I ice cream for dessert .
It's Holly's to speak .


worried brought have lost what argument bring unhappy surprised borrow

They had an about the game .
Can I your pen ?
He will the books tomorrow .
I my lunch to work .
I my keys yesterday .
I to go now .
She was by the gift .
That's happened at the meeting .
He is about the test .
She felt after the news .


angry lucky for dialogue found mind As same on with

I my lost wallet .
We have the shoes .
a teacher , she is very kind .
I'm sorry being late .
He was about the mistake .
Never , it's okay .
They had a about the issue .
He works his brother .
Today is my day !
She sat the bus .


First put Everything forgot phone finish stop answer off company

He did not the question .
I my homework .
is ready for the trip .
The bus is near my house .
I got at the wrong stop .
She will the project soon .
He the keys on the table .
I will you later .
The is very successful .
, we need to plan .


rang door hearing

The phone loudly .
She opened the .
His is excellent .

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