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Respiratory system root word 5

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To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system.

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Respiratory system root word 5

To help the students to know more about the common root words regarding respiratory system.

Nermeen Elgenedy

carbon ox dioxide oxygen air monitoring levels breathing ventilation

Good morning Dr . Nermeen , I'm studying for my medical terminology exam and I'm having trouble understanding the meanings of some of these terms . Could you please help me ?

Dr . Nermeen : Of course , Mohamed . What terms are you struggling with ?

Mohamed : Okay , let me go through the list . First , can you explain what - ventilat - means ?

Dr . Nermeen : Sure , - ventilat - refers to or the process of . It's related to the of the lungs .

Mohamed : I see . And what about - - ?

Dr . Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to oxygen . It's used in medical terms related to the processes involving .

Mohamed : Got it . And - capn - ?

Dr . Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to . It's used in terms related to the of carbon dioxide .


adenoids membranes tissue pus infection mucous lymphatic muc blood related hemat

Mohamed : Okay , that makes sense . What about - - ?

Dr . Nermeen : They are prefixes that refer to blood . They are used in - conditions .

Mohamed : I see . And what about - adenoid - ?

Dr . Nermeen : It refers to the , which are small masses of located at the back of the throat .

Mohamed : Yes , What about - - ?

Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to mucus , the sticky and wet substance produced by the in the body .
Mohamed : Okay , that makes sense . What about - py - ?

Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to , the thick , yellowish - white fluid that can be produced by the body as a result of an or inflammation .


skin fungi rays radiation mucous oxygen X diagnostic low radiation bluish cyan discoloration

Dr . Nermeen : If you still need clarification for more terms , go ahead

Mohamed : yes , please , what about - myc - ?

Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to . It's used in medical terms related to fungal infections .

Mohamed : Alright , and the last one , - - ?

Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to the color blue . It's used in medical terms related to conditions that cause a of the or membranes , often due to levels .

Mohamed : Wow , that's really helpful . And the last one , - radio - ?

Nermeen : It's a prefix that refers to or - . It's used in medical terms related to the use of or X - rays for or treatment purposes .

Mohamed : Excellent , thank you so much , Dr . Nermeen . This really helps me understand these medical terms better .

Nermeen : I'm glad I could help , Mohamed . If you have any more questions , feel free to ask . I'm always happy to explain medical terminology in more detail .