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Idioms B2

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Idioms B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

hot corners tune enticing belittle blind adopt benefits forefront pokes kick

1 . If you work hard now , you will reap the in the future .
2 . She gets a out of playing pranks on her friends .
3 . The company is at the of technological innovation .
4 . He was skeptical about the plan , but after seeing the results , he changed his .
5 . They were caught cutting on the construction project to save money .
6 . His feelings for her blow and cold , making it hard to understand his true intentions .
7 . She always her nose into other people's business , which annoys everyone .
8 . Moving to a new city for a job is an prospect for many graduates .
9 . The manager decided to turn a eye to the minor infractions to keep the staff morale high .
10 . Don't let anyone your achievements ; you have worked hard to get where you are .
11 . The politician was forced to a standpoint on the controversial issue .

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